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Showing posts from December, 2021

Fine Art America Product: Snow Angel Blanket

My daily blogging days have melted away ... but I haven't completely given up on this haven! Thus I'm sharing my new holiday drawing that was inspired by my mom wanting a snowman image to make jewelry to sell at the Milton Holly Festival last weekend. Milton used to be known as The Land of the Holly. According to Delaware Public Media, a family in the 1930s could earn up to $500 in a season harvesting holly for about 10,000 wreaths. Now some artisans can make that in one day at the annual craft fair that happens the second Saturday of December! If you missed my Snow Angel art at the Milton Arts Guild, don't pout! Several products like fleece blankets are now available through Fine Art America at . The original piece is drawn on 4"x4" Strathmore Smooth Bristol Paper with Prismacolor pencils .

Giveaway Linky of Treasure

Ahoy, me hearties! Instead of burying yer treasure, add it to me giveaway chest so entrants can battle over winning yer prize. This be an ongoing giveaway linky, so me mates shan't waste time anchoring down the same sweepstakes to enter more than once. Links that don't include the prize, end date AND what countries are eligible to enter might get removed. And it's first come, first sailed for group giveaways - any duplicate giveaway on a different blog will be deleted. Please follow this format when typing the Name: Month/Day It Expires: Giveaway Prize Description (Shipping Restrictions) . (WW = Worldwide, US/CAN = United States and Canada, and US = United States.) You are invited to the Inlinkz link party! Click here to enter Sail me button on yer blog at will. Pretty please with skull and crossbones?