I've been stalking the Kwanzan cherry trees in Nassau Commons since the first spring I worked there in 2005. It wasn't until 2009 that I started participating in Wordless Wednesdays, which led to my love of nature photography. 2012 was the first year I posted a photo of the Kwanzan cherry tree blooming, and then again in 2014, 2016, and twice in 2017, April 21 and 28.
Then we were in full swing with Ogre's Grove so I didn't blog much in 2018 and not at all in 2019 - but I was still sharing flower photographs on instagram.com/AquariannArt, just like I did earlier in week when I saw the first double blossom appear near the trunk of one of the trees. In anticipation of the rest of the flowers flourishing, I found this pink flower photo from last year and added it to my Fine Art America gallery.
When researching for inspiration on what to write in the description, I was shocked to learn that the type of cherry tree only has a lifespan of 15-25 years! I naively thought trees just lived forever, unless they got a disease or were cut down. The flowers certainly make them look like they're in their prime right now, even though they're definitely past the 15 year mark! I hope I have another decade of enjoying them.
At least I have many photos to remember their beauty, and plan to take many more this April. Although I failed at my resolution of getting back to blogging monthly here, I'm not giving up forever!
Amazing cherry blossoms! What lovely colors!