Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Finds: Batgirl Costume Accessories

Since it's almost September, I'm excited to blog about Halloween costume possibilities and hope my readers won't hit me with a KAPOW! for starting too soon. Comic book characters are an increasingly popular costume choice, as more and more movies and television shows are available to fans that don't collect comics. If you can't sew but don't want to show up to a party in the same sexy superhero costume as someone else, piece together your own one-of-a-kind version by buying handmade costume creations. These unique Batgirl costume accessories bumped boring options out of way with a BAP!

Batgirl Costumes on Etsy
1. Batwing Headpiece Leather Crown by Beadmask

2. Batgirl Costume Yellow Gloves by MJCREATION

3. Batman Superhero Running Tutu by Shelly Rio Boutique

4. Movie Madness Shoes - Batman 2 by Strolling Canvases

Disclaimer: This post was inspired by Beadmask, a wonderful blog sponsor that pays for advertising space and featured listings like above. If you think your items would fit in with my whimsical ramblings, please consider supporting my blog and becoming an advertiser.


  1. I love it! And oh, those shoes....

  2. Love these pics! My granddaughter is at an anime convention right now, wearing her costume of her favorite anime character! Fun stuff!

  3. Such cool and fun items! LOVE that tutu!


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