EDIT: Giveaway is officially over. Congratulations to Evangelia Kollia for submitting the randomly-chosen 298th entry.

Guess what's up, buttercups! The ladies at Life is the Bubbles have opened a new handmade shop to sell magical jewelry inspired by mythical worlds that weren't spawned by Disney's magic movie wand. To celebrate, they're giving one lucky fan a $35 gift card to Fandom Magic.
Being a fangirl, of course I was excited to see sections for Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Tolkien's Middle Earth. But my twoo wuv is the Princess of the Bride collection! I grew up with a colossal crush on Westley, the dreadfully charming pirate with an immunity to iocane powder. If I were the winner, I'd probably pick a magical bottle necklace based on that fantasy movie, but you can choose .... as you wish.

Use the Rafflecopter below to enter to win worldwide giveaway before 11:59pm EST on May 15, 2014. Be sure to leave the mandatory comment on the blog post with the same name you use to fill out the Rafflecopter - all entries by winner must be easily verified or a new winner will be chosen. Not including usernames when asked will also get you disqualified.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Guess what's up, buttercups! The ladies at Life is the Bubbles have opened a new handmade shop to sell magical jewelry inspired by mythical worlds that weren't spawned by Disney's magic movie wand. To celebrate, they're giving one lucky fan a $35 gift card to Fandom Magic.
Being a fangirl, of course I was excited to see sections for Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Tolkien's Middle Earth. But my twoo wuv is the Princess of the Bride collection! I grew up with a colossal crush on Westley, the dreadfully charming pirate with an immunity to iocane powder. If I were the winner, I'd probably pick a magical bottle necklace based on that fantasy movie, but you can choose .... as you wish.

Use the Rafflecopter below to enter to win worldwide giveaway before 11:59pm EST on May 15, 2014. Be sure to leave the mandatory comment on the blog post with the same name you use to fill out the Rafflecopter - all entries by winner must be easily verified or a new winner will be chosen. Not including usernames when asked will also get you disqualified.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: The featured seller (not the hostess, Aquariann) is responsible for providing free prize. Promote your handmade jewelry in a whimsical way by sponsoring a giveaway, too.
https://www.etsy.com/listing/180579049/jrr-tolkien-book-and-dragon-charms?ref=shop_home_active_3 This is the one I want! Fits with my dragons in my own book too.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite would have to be the Dark One necklace because of the dagger charm!
I like the Once Upon a Time Magical Charm Bracelet.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love this necklace! https://www.etsy.com/listing/185894958/pirate-skull-and-cross-bone-swords-and?ref=sr_gallery_5&ga_section_id=15299679&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery
ReplyDeleteHi! What a fun shop! My favorite item is the A Wee Vial of Fairy Magic with Fairy Charm. Cute! my email is natorama99@yahoo.com Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI like Star Trek, BOLDLY GO Key Chain with 2 Star Charms, Keychain Star Dust Magic, Starship Enterprise From Fandom Magic ..
ReplyDeleteOnce Upon a Time Magical Charm Bracelet, Storybrooke, Inspired by ABC Television Show is gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteI like this one http://www.etsy.com/fr/listing/180320857/bracelet-a-breloques-fois-magique-aps90?ref=shop_home_feat_3
I'm a Hunger Games fan, so my favorite would have to be the Girl on Fire necklace.
ReplyDeletemy favourite is the captain swan necklace, here; https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/184294289/captain-swan-necklace-with-a-ship-swan?ref=shop_home_active_4
ReplyDeleteThe Captain Swan necklace is so fun! ~Breanne
ReplyDeleteSo many great pieces; it was hard to decide! But I'd choose this one if I won:
ReplyDeleteDoctor Who Inspired, Bad Wolf Magical Necklace with a Rose Charm
love https://www.etsy.com/it/listing/180878810/once-upon-a-time-rumbelle-magical?ref=shop_home_active_8
ReplyDeleteI like https://www.etsy.com/listing/181040074/a-wee-vial-of-fairy-magic-with-a-fairy?ref=shop_home_feat_1
ReplyDeletechevybelair1 at juno dot com
I love the "Once Upon a Time" necklace. It is applicable not only to the TV series, but to every story ever imagined or told.
ReplyDeleteTI love the REASURE Magical Necklace with a Treasure Chest Charm, by Fandom Magic
ReplyDeleteDefinitely iocane powder!
i had a hard time deciding, seriously! but I love the iocane powder! http://www.etsy.com/listing/181015134/the-princess-bride-iocane-powder-with-a?ref=shop_home_active_17
ReplyDeletethanks for teh contest, lots of fun! :)
Angie Lambert
Once upon a time bracelet!
ReplyDeleteWell I absolutely ADORE a lot of the necklaces but I'll have to say the Star Trek: a Pair of Furry Tribbles.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite item is the Harry Potter House Elf with a Broom Charm bracelet
I really love https://www.etsy.com/listing/185272440/girl-on-fire-necklace-with-a-bow-and?ref=shop_home_active_1
Oooh! Captain Swann!
ReplyDeleteI like the dangling from the moon earrings.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is Dangling From the Moon Fairy Earrings
ReplyDeleteVery cool! We had an excerpt read from The Princess Bride at our wedding :) That, and from Stardust! <3
ReplyDeleteAwesome idea for jewelry!
ReplyDeleteI love Super Mario Bros!
Thanks for the chance. The shop is full of awesomeness.
Great giveaway, so many cute things!
ReplyDeleteDragon’s Breath Necklace with a Dragon Charm, Smaug, The Hobbit, Middle-earth, Lonely Mountain, J.R.R. Tolkien, Benedict Cumberbatch
ReplyDeleteOops..If I post twice here I'm sorry..something goofed when I posted the first time I think so I'll do it again. I love the Super Mario Mushroom Earrings. And the Skull and Crossbones Necklace. And everything else on the site. Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteOk, i 've truly adored this: "Harry Potter, House Elf with a Broom Charm, Dobby, Clean House" (https://www.etsy.com/listing/182897994/harry-potter-house-elf-with-a-broom?ref=shop_home_active_24)
ReplyDeleteI like the Harry Potter, House Elf with a Broom Charm, Dobby, Clean House, by Fandom Magic.
ReplyDeleteI like the "DARK ONE" necklace here: https://www.etsy.com/in-en/listing/182318324/dark-one-magical-necklace-with-a-dagger?ref=shop_home_active_1
ReplyDelete-Ashwini (ash.coolchik@gmail.com)
My favorite would have to be the Magical Dragon’s Breath necklace with a Dragon Charm ^^ http://www.etsy.com/listing/186701012/dragons-breath-necklace-with-a-dragon?ref=shop_home_active_10
ReplyDeleteI love this charm bracelet! > https://www.etsy.com/listing/180320857/once-upon-a-time-magical-charm-bracelet?ref=shop_home_active_1
ReplyDeleteI like this: https://www.etsy.com/listing/181013460/is-this-a-kissing-book-necklace-lips-and
ReplyDeleteAgh love this Dr. Who Bad Wolf necklace!
love this: https://www.etsy.com/listing/185272440/girl-on-fire-necklace-with-a-bow-and?ref=shop_home_active_1
ReplyDeleteI love this! https://www.etsy.com/listing/182897994/harry-potter-house-elf-with-a-broom
ReplyDeleteI like the dangling from the moon earrings.
ReplyDeleteI can't decide between the Lothlorien Elven Magic necklace (my first fandom) or the Rumbelle Spinning Wheel and Teacup necklace (my most recent fandom)....
ReplyDeleteemail: snow_2000@mail.ru
ReplyDeleteI love thos one - https://www.etsy.com/listing/185927381/paradise-magical-necklace-with-a-palm?ref=shop_home_active_14
email: lokiliesmith69 @ gmail . com
ReplyDeleteTHIS NECKLACE THO OMG http://www.etsy.com/listing/180579049/jrr-tolkien-book-and-dragon-charms?ref=shop_home_active_12 in love so hard right now
The SHERlocked necklace is my favorite :)
ReplyDeleteI love the Once Upon a Time, Rumbelle Magical Necklace Spinning Wheel and Teacup Charms, Rumplestiltskin and Belle Ship!!
My favorite item is the Once Upon a Time Magical Charm Bracelet. :)
My favorite would be the Once Upon a Time Magical Charm Bracelet. I'm just a big fan of the show.
Tolkien’s Lord of the Ring, Lothlórien Elvin Magic Necklace with a Tree Charm is my favorite!
ReplyDeleteI love the Once Upon a Time, Rumbelle Magical Necklace Spinning Wheel and Teacup Charms!
ReplyDeleteI love the Neverland Necklace with a Star Charm!!!
ReplyDeleteAleka Nikolaidou
My favorite is https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/184294289/captain-swan-necklace-with-a-ship-swan?ref=shop_home_active_2
ReplyDeleteMy favorite item is the Neverland necklace with the star charm. It's so cute and I love Peter Pan.
ReplyDeleteI want the Captain Swan Necklace with a Ship, Swan Charm and Magic Bean, Once Upon a Time, ABC Television Show, by Fandom Magic most. it's so cute and just as what i am looking for :)
ReplyDeleteThe Princess Bride, TRU WUV Necklace with a Heart Charm, Princess Buttercup
ReplyDeleteThe Ethereal dangling fairy earings are my winner.Peter Jones
ReplyDeleteJ' aime bien " the captain swan necklace " le bateau est très beau.
ReplyDeleteI love the Beachy Keen necklace and a Flip Flop charm!
ReplyDeleteI am going to a princess bride party next month so I think I need to get the The Princess Bride, Iocane Powder with a Goblet Charm.
ReplyDeleteI find the Once Upon a Time Bracelet to be stunning (Sorry if I can't put the link... But my tablet it's kind of broken ;3;). Just stunning, really. Clap clap u3u
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Valeria Beccari and my email is valeria.12345@hotmail.it
Love, love, love the Princess Buttercup necklace!
debyeo at hotmail dot com
I love LOTR. My fave is Tolkien’s Lord of the Ring, Lothlórien Elvin Magic Necklace with a Tree Charm.
I like Super Mario Brothers Mushroom Earrings :P
ReplyDeletemy daughter or my wife would love these earrings
DeleteMy favorite is the dragon's breath necklace :)
ReplyDeleteI love the Captain HOOK Magical Necklace with a Pirate Ship Charm
ReplyDeletehttps://www.etsy.com/listing/182300715/captain-hook-magical-necklace-with-a?ref=listing-shop-header-4 (Raine buzzyngabe(at)yahoo.com)
Love Captain Hook Neclace!!!
My favorite is the dark one necklace https://www.etsy.com/listing/182318324/dark-one-magical-necklace-with-a-dagger?ref=shop_home_active_2
ReplyDeleteI like the Tolkien’s Lord of the Ring, Lothlórien Elvin Magic Necklace with a Tree Charm.
ReplyDeleteA girl can always use a cute necklace.
ReplyDeleteI love the Dragon's Breath Necklace! They are all lovely :)
I love the Beachy Keen necklace!
ReplyDeleteI think my favorite one is the Doctor Who Inspired, Don’t Blink Magical Necklace with an Angel Wing Charm, BBC Television Show.
ReplyDeleteSamantha (samdaleo)
my fav is https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/181015134/the-princess-bride-iocane-powder-with-a?ref=shop_home_active_22
ReplyDeleteI don't know if it Is because im going to be a bride soon o why but I love it
These are absolutely beautiful. I adore the Neverland necklace. So, so pretty!
I like Chillin' Time Necklace with a barefoot Charm.
ReplyDeleteI challenge you to a battle of wits. To the death? To the death. Love!
ReplyDeletehttp://www.etsy.com/listing/180871756/tolkiens-lord-of-the-ring-elvin-rope?ref=shop_home_active_12 I really liked several of the items, but I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to things that relate to middle earth = P, my email is highflyer.92@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would choose this necklace & charm: http://www.etsy.com/listing/185286780/beachy-keen-necklace-with-a-flip-flop?ref=shop_home_active_21
ReplyDeleteI really like the A Wee Vial of Fairy Magic with a Fairy Charm, Fairies, Pixie Magic, Folklore from Fandom Magic
ReplyDeleteI love the BOLDLY GO Key Chain with 2 Star Charms!
I love the Lothlorien Elven Magic necklace
ReplyDeleteI love the Pirate Treasure Necklace http://www.etsy.com/listing/185886218/treasure-magical-necklace-with-a?ref=shop_home_active_4
ReplyDeleteI love the Harry Potter, House Elf with a Broom Charm one.
ReplyDeleteDanielle Goch
once upon a time bracelete
ReplyDeleteI love this one! :) http://www.etsy.com/listing/185927381/paradise-magical-necklace-with-a-palm?ref=shop_home_active_17
ReplyDeleteI like the Once Upon a Time Magical Charm Bracelet, Storybrooke, Inspired by ABC Television Show Rosanne rosans4@comcast.net
ReplyDeleteLove the Once Upon a Time Bracelet! We watch it all the time, so it'll be cool to match the charms with the characters and events.
ReplyDeletelove the Once Upon a Time Magical Charm Bracelet,
ReplyDeleteI like the Neverland Necklace with a Star Charm.
ReplyDeleteI like the true love potion necklace :)
ReplyDeleteHarry Potter, House Elf with a Broom Charm, Dobby, Clean House, by Fandom Magic
ReplyDeleteI like the Once Upon a Time Magical Charm Bracelet, Storybrooke, Inspired by ABC Television Show.
ReplyDeletei like the Pirate Skull and Cross Bone (Swords and Pirate Hat) Charm Bronze Necklace, Pirates of the Caribbean, by Fandom Magic
ReplyDeleteI like the STORYBROOKE, Magic Words, Desk/Shelf décor, Magical Words, Carved Wood, Recovered/Renewed Wood, ABC’s Once Upon a Time, by Fandom Magic. Thank you
I love the Super Mario Mushroom Earrings. So great.
ReplyDeleteI like the Tolkien’s Lord of the Ring, Lothlórien Elvin Magic Necklace with a Tree Charm! Darlene email: nachtmusik@live.com https://www.etsy.com/listing/180644372/tolkiens-lord-of-the-ring-lothlorien?ref=shop_home_active_15
ReplyDeletelove the once upon a time magical charm bracelet :)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the Once Upon a Time, Rumbelle Magical Necklace Spinning Wheel and Teacup Charms, Rumplestiltskin and Belle Ship Name, Inspired by ABC TV Show