Wednesday, September 25, 2013

WW: Dragon Roof Sculpture at Renn Fest

Wood Dragon Sculpture Photo

"Within every block of wood and stone, there dwells a spirit, waiting to be released. Direct carving is a way of freeing the spirit - my own and that of the stone or wood."
- Hap Hagood

I've been on a dragon roll for the last few Wordless Wednesdays, so here's another stunning sculpture I saw at the Maryland Renaissance Festival. This beast guards the roof of a woodworking shop!

Flutter to my Wordless Wednesday Directory for a list of blogs that regularly host WW Linky Parties. Grab my button as a reminder to return next week for more photography fun!


  1. Very cool. That would look great as a top to a treehouse.

  2. Great photo. I've been on a bit of a fashion theme these last couple of weeks. Time for me to move on just no idea what theme I should adopt next.

  3. Wow. That is very cool!

  4. Very cool photo op you stumbled upon & shared with the WW hoppers. BTW, I have a NEW Twitter account, can you follow me now @ETNHome & I'll do in like-kind. Thanks & happy WW! :D

  5. What a great shot! You framed it so well! Dragons are always cool in by book. :)

  6. Never even imagined a roof turned into a sculpture...very cool!

  7. Great composition, fun and very cool, your new roof ? :)

  8. What an amazing roof, I'd love to have that!

  9. Thank you for linking and ...this dragon made of shingles is odd yet cool. Thanks for the compliment on the 'sandwich monsters'.

  10. So beyond cool!! I would definitely have that on my house if I could!


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