Friday, May 3, 2013

Digital Tree Painting for Blog Redesign

I've been warming up to the idea of redesigning my blog for months. The spark turned into a blaze when I realized I could draw on my Kindle Fire using a capacitive stylus and the SketchBook Pro app. Which was easier daydreamt than done.

Drawing on a screen is so different than paper! Believe me, the undo button and I became tight like vines around branches. It took many, many tries to get my lines not to wiggle. Not to mention all the times I accidentally drew by resting my hand on the screen! My digital tree painting is nowhere near perfect, but I am pleased (and exhausted) enough to share it. The great part about it being digital is that I can easily alter it later - I'm already planning on splitting the top trunk into a few more branches after I get some other items checked off my to-do list. Plus, the flowers are on a separate layer so I can change the tree seasonally.

I've included a screenshot below, so please comment if any components are broken and include the web browser you're using so I can hopefully figure out how to fix it. For my readers using mobile devices, I'll be researching how to make your version prettier soon, too.

Whimsical Tree Painting
Digital art is linked at Sunday Sketches.


  1. Like the new image ~ much cleaner ~ ^_^

  2. Looks wonderful Kristin - went all over and hit no snags!

  3. Wow! That cannot be easy. I think the tree looks wonderful!

  4. So pretty! Looking really great, AQ!!

  5. I think it looks great. It was awesome before, this way it looks smaller and less busy but there's nothing wrong with busy. Either way was good.

  6. I clicked various buttons. They seemed to be working. The new look is breathtaking. Blog makeover of the year!

  7. It looks fabulous!!! Fit for a fairy! You and the undo button deserve two thumbs WAY up, because all your hard work made for a fantastic re-design. =0)

  8. It looks wonderful from here. Everything seems to work fine. Fantastic job!

  9. I like it, but I think I like the old one a little more even though this is more sophisticated. I like the idea of being able to change it with the seasons, but the tree needs more detail, which you indicated you are planning. It would be nice if it didn't have the big add right at the top. Maybe that could be moved further down. The upper right corner is where a person's eyes are naturally drawn. Janet

  10. Very nice ! Love the way the tree goes all the way down the page......

  11. Clever you! Great idea to keep the flowers as layers. I usually come up with those ideas after I've got too far to turn back!

  12. I LOVE trees and yours is just fab! Your artwork and blog are beautiful!

  13. It's beautiful, and great that you're going digital!

  14. It's amazing! What fun to make it your blog background.
    Thanks for your visit and comment at .

  15. Wow, it's so beautiful and magical. I'm loving your new look!


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