ruled the world, every woman would own a wire-wrapped piece. She strives to create designs that make people smile and hold their heads a little higher when wearing them. Life, from the music of a child's laughter to the wisdom in an elder's gray hair, and the beauty of nature (as shown in the cowrie shell ring to the right) inspires her. Many times the color of a stone or the shape of a wire can trigger fond memories which also translates into her art.
Michelle began working in international trade more than 20 years ago. The beads and gemstones she imported from West Africa encouraged her to make her own jewelry. Later she picked up wire and fell in love with the technique. She sadly stopped when her body betrayed her and twisted up like a pretzel. Her physical therapist encouraged her to continue wire work to improve movement in her hands. When the disability got so bad that she could no longer sell at craft shows, she turned to Etsy, even though she knew very little about computers. Speaking from experience, she advises others to "Never, ever give up! You may shift how you reach your goal but never give up on it."
Michelle is grateful to forum and team members that have helped her improve her shop. Due to her poor eyesight, she's still having trouble taking professional product photos, but she's getting better! She's very close to reaching her first 25 sales on Etsy. To achieve that milestone and celebrate the holidays, she is offering my readers 25% off if you use the code "AQUARIANN25" during checkout before December 31, 2012.

Disclaimer: My blog sponsors pay me for advertising space and monthly feature posts. But I only accept sellers whose products I want to share and would adore to own myself. If you think your items would fit in with my whimsical ramblings, please consider becoming an advertiser.
Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo