Being featured in the Taming the Dragon treasury this week inspired me to research the Michaelmas Festival. The ancient feast is named after Archangel Michael, the angelic warrior known for defeating Lucifer in the war of heaven and protecting against the dark of the night. The Waldorf school's still celebrate the event to welcome autumn and reflect on negative elements they'd like to banish from their lives. According to A Little Garden Flower & Waldorf Essentials , Saint George became intertwined because theories say he was an earthly representative of Michael in his deeds. Saint George's legend is very different from his history (namely, the awesome dragons) but both do have an important detail in common - he was a noble soldier. Browsing beautiful art of him through the ages made me curious what rode on the front lines of Etsy. With Halloween just out of range, knight costumes surged forward. I was amazed at the creative use of materials to mimic the traditional ch...