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Showing posts from December, 2009

FAE Solstice Swap Gift from Mermaiden Creations bit me with its swapping bug back in 2005. Although I had delirious fun crafting and acquiring several amazing handmade items, after a disappearing partner or two and life making its random demands, the virus eventually lay dormant. It wasn't until the marvelous Carapace suggested a holiday swap between the chatty FAE of the Fantasy Artists of Etsy street team monthly thread that the fever flared up again! I was given MissGnomer to shower with fairy goodness! After reading her favorite colors, I gathered up several products featuring every drawing I'd ever done in pink or purple. I also dusted off my knitting needles and made her a hip belt and cell phone cozy. Then I sent the package fluttering to Florida and flew off to Arizona. When I got back from gallivanting around in the desert, the most splendid treasures from the sea were waiting to welcome me home. I have been dazzled by quite a few items dreamed to life by Julie of Mermaiden Creations . Her eclectic...

Merry Christmas!

May your day be filled with love, sparkles and magic. Not too shabby for finally putting up our decorations yesterday, hmm? Still looks pretty whimsical for only having half a string of lights lit up around the tree. Next year I'll be better prepared! (I hope:)

I'd sink ships for him.

Three years ago I had nearly given up on Prince Charming, convinced I'd soon have to adopt a clowder of cats and take pride in being a spinster. Then Justin came along in his blue Mustang (so much more comfortable to ride upon than a white horse) and swept me off my feet. Now I couldn't imagine my life without him. Loving each other forever was a given, but I still wasn't expecting him to propose last week. Perhaps I was overwhelmed by all the new and stunning scenery I'd seen adventuring through Arizona, but I didn't even have an inkling until he pulled out the ring and got down on one knee. We'd driven from Tucson to Flagstaff the day before. Going from dry desert and cacti to glistening snow and towering trees in a matter of hours was amazing. Even the temperature drop from 65 to 25 didn't cloud the trip. Unfortunately, due to the 26 inches of snow the day before that, the roads to the Grand Canyon were a bit too treacherous for us to attempt in our rent...

Yuletide Treasures

I may have went on a bleary-eyed gift spree last weekend during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday frenzy, but I still find it hard to believe that it's December and Christmas is right around the corner. If you're still looking for unique presents, feast your eyes on this holiday treasury, chosen by the lovely Meri of Elbit Enterprises . My Holly fairy bookmark is the first featured! *twinkles* But hurry, this bundle of toys flies away on eight tiny reindeer Thursday, December 3rd at 9:24am. PS: If the treasury expires before you're able to view it and you want to see a featured item, add "" after the username (they're on the second line under the picture, left of the price - and if they're hard to read, right click on the image so you can view it full size) and you'll be magically whisked away to their shop. For example, you'd type my username, "aquariann," then "" and abra ca dabra: