My Peridot dragon magnet is featured in an enchanting treasury, chosen by Mikiye. She was inspired by the opening of the new Harry Potter film - of which I haven't seen yet, but plan to after rewatching the last three. (The boyfriend had never seen any, so I borrowed all five from a dear friend, successfully bound him to the couch with girlfriend spell for the first two, and hope he appreciates the rest enough that I don't feel too guilty making him spend $7.50 on a matinee ticket.) Explore Mikiye's glimpse into the land of fairies, dragons, witches and unicorns before it vanishes on Tuesday, July 21 at 3:47am.

PS: If the treasury expires before you're able to view it and it's life or death that you see a featured item, add "" after the username (they're on the second line under the picture, left of the price - and if they're hard to read, right click on the image so you can view it full size) and you'll be magically whisked away to their shop. For example, you'd type my username, "aquariann," then "" and abra ca dabra:

PS: If the treasury expires before you're able to view it and it's life or death that you see a featured item, add "" after the username (they're on the second line under the picture, left of the price - and if they're hard to read, right click on the image so you can view it full size) and you'll be magically whisked away to their shop. For example, you'd type my username, "aquariann," then "" and abra ca dabra:
i hope you succeed in making your boyfriend one of Us!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Thanks for sharing the beautiful treasury