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Showing posts from May, 2009

Enchanted Realms Treasury

My Peridot print is featured in another whimsical Fantasy Artists of Etsy team treasury, this time chosen by Sarah of Toadstools N Treestumps . *soars* Walk through this fantasy world before it disappears from human view on Saturday, May 23rd at 3:51am. PS: If the treasury expires before you're able to view it and it's life or death that you see a featured item, add "" after the username (they're on the second line under the picture, left of the price - and if they're hard to read, right click on the image so you can view it full size) and you'll be magically whisked away to their shop. For example, you'd type my username, "aquariann," then "" and abra ca dabra:

Strawberry Festival

Saturday, May 23 is Mary Mother of Peace Church's 8th Annual Strawberry Festival. It'll be my 3rd year as a vendor, as long as the weather behaves. This event holds a special place in my sugary heart, as it's where I met Aimee of Jewel Street Designs , who raved about a handmade marketplace named Etsy and insisted that I open my own online store. In fact, everyone I've met there has been sweet and supportive. But it's not just the people and beautiful crafts that keep me coming back every year, oh no. I have to admit my favorite part is the strawberry shortcake. I've had dreams about the stuff. You can't go wrong with strawberries, pound cake, ice cream AND whipped cream! So if you're in the Delaware area, stop by 30839 Mount Joy Road, next to the Royal Farms on Rt 24 in Millsboro, this Saturday from 8am - noon! Find my table, mention that you read my blog, and I'll give you a free sticker featuring my fantasy art.

The Imaginationists Treasury

The talent of my fellow Fantasy Artists of Etsy team members never ceases to amaze me. Just search Etsy using tag word "FAEteam" and you'll see what I mean. One could spend hours getting lost in our visions. I don't know how paintandink was able to choose only 12 items in her imaginative treasury, but I'm honored my Peridot dragon magnet made an appearance. *soars* Go peek at it before it shimmers away on Saturday, May 16th at 1:58pm. PS: If the treasury expires before you're able to view it and it's life or death that you see a featured item, add "" after the username (they're on the second line under the picture, left of the price - and if they're hard to read, right click on the image so you can view it full size) and you'll be magically whisked away to their shop. For example, you'd type my username, "aquariann," then "" and abra ca dabra:

It's fairy Nice to See you! Treasury

It's fairy nice when my work is featured in treasuries! This time a magnet of Ashley, my college roommate turned fairy, is in a marvelously whimsical one, chosen by WildRasberries . *sparkles* Go see it before it flits away on Saturday, May 9th at 5:19pm. PS: If the treasury expires before you're able to view it and it's life or death that you see a featured item, add "" after the username (they're on the second line under the picture, left of the price - and if they're hard to read, right click on the image so you can view it full size) and you'll be magically whisked away to their shop. For example, you'd type my username, "aquariann," then "" and abra ca dabra: